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How To Get The Seventh's Thunder SR Weapon In TYPE SOUL

Want to unlock the new Seventh's Thunder SR weapon in TYPE SOUL? Say no more.
How To Get The Seventh's Thunder SR Weapon In TYPE SOUL
Roblox via YouTube / TheGoldKiller

TYPE SOUL has a ton of powerful weapons to boost your lethality. But none compares to The Seventh's Thunder. While this new Mythical Element Locked SR Weapon has massive destructive potential, the burning question among players is how to actually unlock it. And that's where we come in!

This guide will explain exactly how to get the Seventh's Thunder SR weapon in TYPE SOUL. But be warned: it won't be a walk in the park! You'll need to battle the dreaded Captain of the Seventh, a raid boss known for his deadly skills and unpredictable attacks. Having said that, here's what you need to know.

How To Unlock The Seventh's Thunder In TYPE SOUL

Before you begin, you'll need to have Lightning Shikai to use The Seventh's Thunder in TYPE SOUL. Not sure how to get this? No problem—just refer to my previous guide on how to unlock Shikai, and you'll be set to wield its power. From there, all you have to do is find and defeat the Captain of the Seventh in boss raids.

Importantly, there's no guarantee that you will get The Seventh's Thunder SR weapon in TYPE SOUL on your first try. That's because it is a Mythical rarity, in which case the drop chance is less than 1%. In this case, you'll likely need to attempt multiple boss raids (or be super lucky) to actually obtain it.

Check out the video below for a showcase!

Suppose you're not privy to grinding boss raids. In that case, you can always trade for The Seventh's Thunder in TYPE SOUL. However, the catch is that you'll probably be charged an arm and leg—so it might not be worth it (especially since it's a brand-new Lightning Shikai weapon).

And that's pretty much it. There's not much more you have to know about how to get The Seventh's Thunder in TYPE SOUL. But why stop there? Check out my guide on unlocking the new Zweis Quincy Mythical weapon in the game, too. Or maybe learn how to do the Hell Quest progression.

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