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Since 2008 GINX has been creating video game-related content for millions of gamers around the globe on TV channels and our website.

We've helped provide a platform to some of the biggest rising stars, thrilled viewers with esports tournaments you can't watch anywhere else, and had a bloody good laugh making original shows at the same time. However, in those 15 years, the landscape of the industry has shifted dramatically.
We want our supporters to be at the center of everything we do. But in a digital age of constantly changing algorithms that move the goalposts overnight, or soulless AI content that floods the system, it's becoming harder than ever; not least with traditional ads paying less with each passing year - but we think you can help.

To deliver the absolute best independent content we can, we want you to support the GINX team by becoming a Patreon subscriber. That way, we'll no longer be beholden to external advertising or the big bad search engine; but instead to the only people that should matter, our fans.

In return for your support, you'll get access to exclusive new shows filmed just for you, our full video library (currently being uploaded by tiny robots right now), a live feed to our TV channel, and oodles more members-only features that'll make your Disney+ subscription blush.

If you love what we do, and want to help GINX continue for another 15 years, then join us.