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Champions Berlin KRÜ Keznit: "Most teams underestimate us, and end up like Sentinels"

KRÜ Esports star player Angelo "keznit" Mori shared a few words following his historic win over Sentinels.
Champions Berlin KRÜ Keznit: "Most teams underestimate us, and end up like Sentinels"

The 6th December is a date that will remain engraved in the history of Valorant esports, after KRÜ Esports did the seemingly impossible and knocked out Sentinels from Champions Berlin, a team many tipped as eventual winners of the game's showpiece event.

This impressive victory has shown a spotlight on a team from one of the game's less storied regions, with praise being showered on the Latin American team, and, in particular, their star, Angelo "keznit" Mori.

After this historical best-of-three series, the Chilean player took some time -- after he calmed himself down -- to talk about his reactions to these games, his thoughts regarding the performance of the Masters Reykjavík champions, and what comes next for KRÜ.

Valorant Champions Berlin KRU Esports Keznit
Angelo "keznit" Mori competing on the stage of the Valorant Champions: Berlin. (Picture: Riot Games / Getty Images)

How does it feel to have made history for Latin America, and what message do you want to leave to all the people cheering for you?

I want to thank everyone for supporting us, and the truth is this is an inexplicable feeling, so this triumph is for all of you.

After this win, do you feel like you were able to avenge FURIA after their loss on Day 2?

Yes, I feel like it was fair revenge. Regardless of what has happened, Brazil and Latin America have always been more than united, and this is one of those moments in which both regions must be together as one.

Many people already recognize this series as the biggest upset in Valorant history. How do you feel about having been a key piece in making this possible?

Being part of something historic for my region is incredible, and having this victory makes me too happy, it’s amazing.

Before the match began, Sentinels' Zombs made clear his thoughts about Latin America. With this result, how does it feel to make him eat his words?

It feels good, but everyone acts on their own, and I'm not the one to judge him. In the end, everything comes back at you, and that is what happened this time.

Valorant Champions Berlin KRU Esports Keznit
Since his arrival to KRÜ, keznit has become one of the biggest young promises in Latin American esports. (Picture: Riot Games / Getty Images)

Do you think Sentinels underestimated you?

Most teams have underestimated us, and this played a trick on them.

How was the preparation for the game against Sentinels both on the stage and mentally, and what did you do to cope with the pressure?

Looking ahead to Champions Berlin, we had a long period in which in bad situations, we fought among ourselves due to the anxiety and pressure of the moment, so even if we had everything prepared, we did things different from what we planned.

For this series and for the tournament, we set out to put all of that in the past, and in part, we did it thanks to the staff and everyone back there. I’m happy with the entire workgroup we have, and with what has been achieved to date.

What was going through your mind when you were in those final rounds, being so close to victory and with Sentinels getting harder to beat?

We never thought this was lost, as we have come back from worse things in other tournaments. When we are against the ropes, we just raise up again and focus on playing our style, just like we do in our training.

How do you feel about this confidence boost from the win, now that you will go against Fnatic in the quarterfinals?

I feel this is the step we had to take, and now against Fnatic I don't expect it to be different, I hope we do better.

Valorant Champions Berlin KRU Esports Keznit
keznit points to his tattoo after each victory, in honour of his mother. (Picture: Riot Games / Getty Images)

Continuing with Fnatic, what do you feel you should do to beat them this time, given that in Masters Reykjavík the result went against you?

We must continue with the same mentality, play our game, and with this boost, all of this can end much better for us.

And what do you think about Fnatic as a whole?

I consider it to be one of the strongest teams, so I hope that what we have prepared is the best way to face them, just as we already face whoever we had in front.

If you end up beating Fnatic, which would be your next opponent to beat?

I would like to play against Team Liquid again, but obviously, if it’s on the main stage, the better.

Finally, do you think Latin America should have a second seed for the Champions Tour 2022?

To be honest, I don't think it's time for this change, maybe a little more in the future, but it will all depend on our performance in the remainder of the tournament.

Valorant Champions Berlin KRU Esports Keznit
KRÜ's next challenge awaits at the quarterfinals, in a long-awaited rematch against Fnatic. (Picture: Riot Games / Getty Images)

KRÜ Esports' journey in Valorant Champions: Berlin will continue on 9th December, where a date with history awaits them again against Fnatic, in a more-than-expected rematch after their first clash back at Masters Reykjavík.


Enjoy Valorant Champions, and remember to check back with us for all the latest Valorant news and guides!

Featured image courtesy of Riot Games and Getty Images.