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How To Earn Bitcoin In Minecraft: Satlantis Play-To-Earn Guide

Your Minecraft gaming experience is about to get cooler. Learn how to earn Bitcoin by playing Minecraft on the Satlantis server right here!
How To Earn Bitcoin In Minecraft: Satlantis Play-To-Earn Guide

Want to know how to earn Bitcoin from playing Minecraft? Keep reading! Satlantis is a public server that offers a virtual mining pool that pays out real satoshis (sats) to players every few minutes. Sound good? That's because it is. The best part is this Minecraft play-to-earn method is legit.

So, your next question might be how to get started. Luckily, the process is relatively simple. And no, you don't need any expensive hardware. All you need to make Bitcoin by playing Minecraft is the latest Java Edition of the game and access to the Satlantis server. It literally couldn't be any easier.

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How To Earn Bitcoin By Playing Minecraft

Minecraft Live is back for 2023! 0-42 screenshot

In this section, we'll take you through all the steps to set up the Satlantis server so you can earn Bitcoin in Minecraft.

  • Launch Minecraft: Java Edition on your computer (version 1.19.3+ required).
  • Add the Satlantis server using the IP: play.satlantis.net.
  • In the game lobby, select "Overworld" to claim a property. You can also access the Marketplace and Game Area or view the Leaderboard from the lobby area.
  • Acquire a virtual ASIC miner via the Marketplace or battle pass. In the latter case, access the battle pass by typing "/bp" (without quotation marks) in the chat. There is a free option and a paid premium-tier option.
    • You'll need to level up the battle pass to either level 51 (free) or level 10 (paid battle pass) to acquire an ASIC miner. You can level up the battle pass by completing various in-game quests: there are weekly free and premium quests that you can complete, as well as free daily community quests.
    • You'll unlock rewards at specific tiers by leveling up the battle pass. Once you are at the requisite level, you will receive an Elliptic Key as a reward, which you can use to open an Elliptic Crate in the game containing the ASIC miner.
  • Once you have your ASIC miner, you can earn Bitcoin in Minecraft. Use Emeralds to fuel the miner. The more Emeralds you put in, the higher your hash rate will be; thus, you earn more sats. There's another incentive, though. The higher your hash rate compared to the global rate, the better your chances of winning sats via the community Bitcoin raffle.
    • With Ore Trader in the game lobby, you can get Emeralds by trading various ores, including Copper, Diamond, or Gold (and more). 

Pro Tip: It's a good idea to join a clan and mine Bitcoin in Minecraft as a team (type "/clan" to see a list of clans). As long as your ASIC miner(s) have Emeralds in them, they will continue to mine sats for you. It's worth mentioning that you can upgrade to better-performing miners.

How To Withdraw Your Bitcoin From Minecraft

minecraft bitcoin guide

Alright, so assuming you've been playing for a while, and you've stacked up quite a bit of satoshi. You might be wondering how to withdraw Bitcoin from Minecraft. All you need to do is follow these steps:

  • Once you're in the game and ready to withdraw your earnings, type the "/withdraw" command in the in-game chat.
  • After typing the "/withdraw" command, you must specify the amount of Bitcoin (in satoshis) you wish to withdraw. Enter the desired amount.
  • You'll be asked to enter your Lightning Network address, which is the address to which the sats will be sent. Obviously, make sure the wallet address is correct, or you can kiss your well-deserved satoshis goodbye.
  • Review the details of your withdrawal, ensure the amount and the address are correct, and then confirm the transaction. It will take about 48 hours to transfer your Bitcoin from Minecraft to your wallet.

And that's everything you need to know about how to earn Bitcoin by playing Minecraft. The Satlantis server is definitely one of the coolest play-to-earn crypto games out there, as it offers a pretty thrilling world experience, too. Note that you might need to become familiar with some of the in-game commands, but it really is a breeze once you're up and running.

Otherwise, it would be best to consider joining the server's Discord or using in-game chat to ask questions, seek guidance, or collaborate with other players. While earning Bitcoin in Minecraft is possible, the primary focus should be entertainment. So, don't expect this play-to-earn server to make you a crypto millionaire immediately.