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Palia: How To Get & Use The Veronica Flower Seeds

Before it tries to run away, catch as many bugs to get Veronica Flower seeds before using them, as we've explained in this guide for Palia.
Palia: How To Get & Use The Veronica Flower Seeds
(Picture: Singularity 6 / Ashleigh Klein)

Kilima Village and Bahari Bay have sprung into a colorful wonderland following the release of the latest game update for Palia. This specific update added plenty more seasonal changes for Palians to interact with and enjoy with friends, including growing more flowers on their Housing Plot, like the Veronica Flower.

While the details on how it acquired its name remain a mystery, what isn't is how to obtain and best utilize them and produce their floral retreat on their Housing Plot. We've provided the relevant details on how they can get and use the Veronica Flower seeds in Palia

How To Get And Use The Veronica Flower Seeds In Palia?

Spring in Palia wouldn't be as colorful and jubilant without more color, vibrancy, and variety, as noted in the recent game update, v0.179, which was released for Nintendo Switch and PC. As detailed in the aforementioned patch notes, this update welcomes ten more flora varieties in-game, which Palians can start adding to their wonderous home gardens.

If the Garden Snail is spotted, do catch it before it runs away as it may drop a Veronica Flower seed. (Picture: Singularity 6 / Ashleigh Klein)

Nevertheless, the developer included these unique flower species, including the Veronica Flower, whose seeds can be obtained in various ways. The Veronica Flower, which is magenta pink in color and "produces copious little flowers," is native to Bahari Bay, which should give them clues on how to acquire its seeds.

As it grows exclusively in Bahari Bay, Palians must seek out a specific bug to catch for the chance to drop a Veronica Flower seed. More specifically, they must locate and catch the Garden Snail, which can get crafty and hide away from them but should be easy to catch.

The Garden Snail usually spawns at any time of the day in the forest biome of Bahari Bay, Statue Garden, Proudhorn Pass, the Flooded Steps, The Outskirts, and Thorny Thicket. They may also spot the Garden Snail enjoying its day in the glowing sun along the Bahai Bay coast from Coral Shores to Beachcomber Cove, which can be a good location for catching other bugs that drop flower seeds.

Palians can locate Garden Snails in these locations when exploring the forest biome of Bahari Bay. (Picture: Singularity 6 / Ashleigh Klein)

After they've found and caught Garden Snails and obtained Veronica Flower seeds, the fun begins by using them. One of its easiest uses for Veronica Flower seeds is to plant them on the ground, without soil and watering them.

Upon reaching the final stage, each Veronica Flower guarantees a flower seed dropped, which is another way they can acquire them. Finally, visit Auni during the day, where they can purchase one Veronica Flower seed from his Bug Catching Guild Store.

To start earning Skill Medals by completing Weekly Challenges, Palians must have reached Bug Catching Level 10 and higher. They can use these Skill Medals to buy one seed for ten Skill Medals directly from the store.