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Identity V: Best Tips For Beginners

Here are the best tips for beginners in Identity V so you can win more games when you're just getting started.
Identity V: Best Tips For Beginners

Identity V is a 4v1 asymmetric survival game developed by NetEase Games; it was released in 2018 and has only gained popularity since, following the addition of new characters, maps, and other content.

For those who are new to the game, it can be quite daunting to learn the mechanics, controls, and strategies. However, this post will provide some tips and tricks that will help beginners get started and improve their gameplay. The post will cover everything from understanding the different characters and their abilities to mastering kiting and decoding.

By the end, readers will have a better understanding of how to play Identity V like a pro, whether they're a survivor or a hunter.

identity v beginners guide tips
Getting started in Identity V is easier if you first complete the tutorial. (Picture: NetEase)

Identity V Beginner Tips

We'll walk you through everything you need to know to get started in Identity V, from choosing your character to actually playing the game as either a hunter or survivor.

Survivor And Hunter Tip: Complete The Tutorial

While it's tempting to just skip the tutorial when you start out in Identity V, this isn't a good idea. It's one of the fastest ways to get Clues when you're first starting out, and it's also a great way to get a feel for the game's characters and how they play. Furthermore, if you're interested in the game's story, you'll get to familiarize yourself with it through the tutorial. If you really want to skip the tutorial, though, you can.

Survivor And Hunter Tip: Choose Your Character Wisely

Every character in Identity V - both survivors and hunters - has a unique ability that makes them who they are. These abilities can help survivors boost their team, decode Ciphers faster, or escape the killer; on the other hand, hunters may be able to speedily approach survivors, create traps, or weave a web of obstacles for survivors to avoid. Depending on your playstyle, certain characters will likely appeal to you more than others, so don't be afraid to experiment.

If you're curious about what characters you should play first, check out our survivor tier list and hunter tier list for a comprehensive ranking of all the characters in the game!

Survivor Tip: Learn To Kite The Hunter

If you've ever played Dead by Daylight, you're undoubtedly familiar with the fundamentals of looping and chasing, which involves using vault locations and pallets to escape the killer. In Identity V, chasing is called kiting. Kiting provides a distraction so other survivors can decode Ciphers while the hunter is chasing you.

Kiting is best learned through practice and is very similar to chase in Dead by Daylight; you can use pallets to make distance from the killer. Some areas are better for kiting than others, so familiarize yourself with each map and the best kiting locations to make the most of your games against various hunters.

Survivor Tip: Use Pings Often

Identity V is a social game in many ways, meaning that it is important to ping other survivors to alert them of what is happening in the match if you aren't on voice call and playing with friends. When the hunter is chasing you, don't forget to use the message, "the hunter is nearby!" You can also say, "Beware! The Hunter has changed target!" if you see them heading in the direction of another survivor and want to notify your other teammates.

identity v survivor hunter
Survivors and hunters can take on new strategies to succeed in Identity V. (Picture: NetEase)

Survivor Tip: Use Borrowed Time

In Dead by Daylight, it's easy to experiment with the best survivor builds and make your own; there aren't any DBD survivor perks that are considered "must-haves" across the board, especially after last year's major balance update. Identity V isn't the same. There are some traits from the Persona web that are absolutely necessary for almost all levels of play. One of those traits is Borrowed Time, which will give you a boost of health and speed when the exit gates are powered.

Hunter Tip: Learn Spawn Locations

There are certain locations around each Identity V map where the survivors and hunter will spawn in; you won't spawn in at the same location every single time, but there is a selection of places where you could potentially spawn in. As a hunter, knowing the spawn locations on every map can tip you off to where survivors are early in the game, allowing you to quickly find them and start your first chase.

To memorize them, try playing custom games, or keep careful track of them during public matches. You'll have a sense for where survivors - and you - will spawn in, in no time!

Hunter Tip: Patrol The Ciphers

While you'll definitely need to spend some time in chase with survivors, taking them down and subsequently placing them in Rocket Chairs, you'll also need to make sure you prevent survivors from decoding Ciphers. To do this, keep track of where all the Ciphers are on the map and ensure that you never take too long chasing one survivor, instead focusing your attention on the Ciphers and preventing their completion.

If you're a beginner in Identity V, following this guide can help you get started as either a hunter or a survivor. As a survivor, it's incredibly important to get the hang of kiting so you can run the hunter for as long as possible; as a hunter, you need to get a feel for the maps, and your own ability, to make the most of your powers and the situation.

For more Identity V news, be sure to check out our dedicated section or take a look at some of our Guides & Tutorials just below:


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Best Hunters Tier List | Best Survivors Tier List | Best Persona Builds Tier List


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