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Is Identity V On Steam?

Wondering if you can get Identity V on Steam? Here's your answer to this common question.
Is Identity V On Steam?

NetEase's 4v1 game Identity V is available on both PC and mobile, leaving many players wondering whether the game can be played through Steam. After all, Steam is one of the most popular video game distribution companies on the internet, offering over 10 thousand games in its vast library. But is Identity V one of those games?

In this guide, we'll go over whether Identity V is on Steam so you can play with your friends on the platform.

Is Identity V On Steam?

identity v steam
Identity V is available on both PC and mobile devices, leaving many wondering if they can download it through Steam. (Picture: NetEase)

Unfortunately, Identity V is not available through on Steam, so you'll need to download the game directly from the developers' website instead of downloading it through another platform. This might be a slight inconvenience if you want to play with your Steam friends since you'll have to manually add them in Identity V, but it doesn't change things in any other way.

How To Add Identity V To Your Steam Library

Thankfully, even though Identity V isn't on Steam, you can add non-Steam games to your Steam library. When you add a game to your Steam library in this way, you won't get all the same benefits of owning a game through the platform, though. For example, you can't download updates through Steam. However, you'll be able to access Identity V from your Steam library, making it more convenient to access.

To add Identity V to your Steam library, just follow these steps:
  1. Launch Steam.
  2. Click the 'Games' menu.
  3. Select 'Add a Non-Steam game.'
  4. Find Identity V in your download folder, or check off the checkmark next to Identity V if it appears in the list.
  5. Click 'Add Selected Programs.'

That's all you need to know for now about whether Identity V is on Steam; the game isn't available there yet, and developers haven't mentioned wanting to release it through the distributor. That said, it's possible this could change in time, so don't lose hope if you're hoping to play Identity V through Steam.

For more Identity V news, be sure to check out our dedicated section or take a look at some of our Guides & Tutorials just below:


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